Specialty Testing


Here at Family Medicine Liberty Lake, we offer a wide variety of specialty testing. 

Obstructive sleep apnea is very common, and is related to the rising obesity rates. Untreated, it can cut 10 years off of your life, and dramatically increase your risk of stroke, heart attack, dementia, and heart failure. The most common symptom of sleep apnea is snoring.

Other symptoms include:
  • Morning headache
  • Fatigue
  • Nocturia - getting up at night to urinate
  • Insomnia
  • Mental fogginess
  • Gasping in sleep, or pauses
  • Irritability
If you are concerned that you may have sleep apnea, call us for an evaluation. We now use home sleep apnea testing, which is highly accurate and much easier than going to a sleep lab. Read by a board certified sleep specialist, we have the results in about a week. 
Seasonal allergies are very common, and all too often, the allergies become year-long. 

Symptoms of allergies include:
  • Chronic nasal discharge
  • Runny nose
  • Post-nasal drip
  • Itchy eyes
  • Rash
  • Wheezing
  • Asthma
  • Sore throat
We use in-office allergy testing for the most common environmental allergies found in our region, and for nine of the most common food allergies. The procedure is painless, and results are obtained within 20 minutes. It is covered by most insurances. 
If you have asthma or COPD (emphysema), a measurerment of lung function can be done in the office to assess the severity. This will help us to determine the best treatment to improve lung functioning. 

Other reasons to do pulmonary function testing include:
  • A cough that won't go away
  • Smoking for 10 or more years
  • Shortness of breath
  • Getting winded more easily than you used to with walking or other activity
The QEEG is, without a doubt, the most accurate assessment of brain functioning. Called brain mapping, it is done in the office. A cap is placed on your head, with 19 electrodes on the scalp that are measuring your brain waves while you take a simple test on the computer. It can tell us how every lobe of the brain is working, as well as the speed of the brain. The most common reasons to do a QEEG are:
  • Memory issues. As people age, they will commonly notice their memory is not as good as it used to be. "Senior moments," they call it - where you walk into a room and cannot remember why; the name of someone you have known for years now evades you; or you cannot pull up the right word you want to say. This can be perfectly normal, or it can be the early stages of dementia. How do you know? Up until now, there were no tests available. The QEEG can be done within an hour and can help us to determine if there really is a dementia process, or if it is just a brain that is getting older.
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). There are different patterns of PTSD as seen on the QEEG, and each one is treated differently. The most effective and newest treatment for PTSD is neurofeedback, a type of biofeedback that changes abnormal brain wave patterns into normal patterns, thus reducing or eliminating symptoms.
  • Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). A TBI from even years earlier may be seen on a QEEG. The TBI can cause a coup-contracoup injury, meaning the force of the blunt trauma is transmitted to the opposite side of the brain, causing injury in both places. The sites of injury can spread, leading to more brain damage - things we typically see in NFL players or boxers. There are ways to slow this injury down, including specific brain supplements and the use of neurofeedback.
  • ADHD. The QEEG can help in the diagnosis of ADHD, and in the use of neurofeedback for treatment. 
  • Chronic Fatigue. This can be associated with slow EEG waves in the alpha waves across the frontal lobes. In these cases, a combination of specific brain supplements and neurofeedback can increase brain processing speeds and help to relieve the fatigue.   
The QEEG is covered by most insurances, and results take about a week.
Hypothyroidism, or low thyroid, is very common and often undiagnosed. The most common symptoms are fatigue, dry hair, hair loss, dry skin, constipation, and inability to lose weight. Most clinics only check one thyroid in the blood, called the TSH. This will miss 70% of hypothyroidism. To be most accurate, the free T3, free T4, and antibodies to thyroid should be checked. The free T3 is the active form of thyroid and helps to fuel our metaboilism.

Hashimoto's disease is the most common cause of hypothyroidism, and occurs when the body is making antibodies against the thyroid, destroying it. Hashimoto's can be reversed! Treatment involves specific thyroid supplements and a gluten-free diet. Often, stem cell therapy will also be effective at reversing the damage done by the antibodies.
The adrenal glands sit on the kidneys and make cortisol. Cortisol is the stress hormone - it should be high in the morning to get us going for the day, and lowest at night to allow sleep. Signs of low cortisol, or adrenal fatigue, are tiredness all time, with difficulty getting out of bed, lower motivation, and craving of sugar and/or salt.   

When cortisol levels are too high, fat accumulation in the belly can occur and is difficult to shed. The health of the adrenals is assessed through saliva testing and cannot be checked accurately in the blood. A saliva kit is sent home with the patient and results take 7-10 days. Treatment is usually with specific adrenal supplements; in severe cases, hydrocortisone may be prescribed.
VNG is a procedure to assess the balance systems of the brain. Falls are the number one cause of hip fractures in the elderly, and are also associated with brain injuries and other bone fractures. If you notice that your balance is off, the most accurate way to evaluate is with the VNG. This test will determine if your dizziness or vertigo is caused by the brain or the ears, and can then help us to determine the best treatment.  
The VNG is commonly done for the following symptoms:
  • Dizziness
  • Vertigo
  • Loss of balance
  • Falling
Covered by most insurances, it takes about an hour and results are back within one week.
An EKG/ECG is a test that checks for problems with the electrical activity of your heart, and can help determine if heart disease is present.
Did you know that Medicare now pays for an annual exam? As we age, we become more prone to diseases and symptoms, and the annual complete exam becomes more important. Called the Annual Wellness Visit, the exam can help us to diagnose conditions earlier and prevent disease from occurring.
We are certified to perform DOT physical exams. These exams are required if you want to become certified to operate commercial vehicles.
The newest and most exciting field of medicine, it's aim is to slow the aging process and improve both the quality and longevity of our lives. We practice both holistic and traditional medicine, and use supplements and nutritional support extensively to help you reach your optimal health.  
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